
Finding Support Services in the Self-Determination Program: Practical & Creative Strategies for Locating the Right Resources for Your Goals

Written by NeuroNav Self-Determination Specialist | Apr 10, 2024 11:02:53 PM

Finding Support Services in the Self-Determination Program: Practical & Creative Strategies for Locating the Right Resources for Your Goals

Session Summary

Explore creative ways to find support services for achieving Self-Determination Program goals. This interactive event showcases innovative approaches with real-life success stories and practical tips. Learn how to effectively leverage personal networks and community resources to support your SDP plan. The session includes a group workshop where participants can brainstorm and share ideas on discovering and utilizing various support services, fostering a collaborative environment for achieving personal goals within the program.

You can view a recording of this informative session here: 

Or access the recording here

Session Presenter

Amanda Nixon

Independent Facilitator
