Can I Move While in the Self-Determination Program?

A disabled woman gives two thumbs up

Those who participate in the California Self-Determination Program spend a considerable amount of time creating person-centered individual program plans (IPPs). Getting their individual budgets and choosing service vendors can also be time-consuming. 

If an SDP participant must move across the state or country, they may experience a disruption in needed services. Below, we’ll cover what participants should anticipate if they need to relocate.

What Happens If I Move?

Fortunately, those who participate in the Self-Determination Program in California are still eligible for services if they move to another part of the state. California has 21 regional centers across the state to provide DDS (Department of Developmental Services) aid. Regional center customers include SDP participants and those who receive services under the traditional model.

How do I know which regional center I should go to?

Visit this page on the state’s DDS website for information on the regional centers. You can enter your ZIP code to find your regional center and view a printable map. 

Depending on where you previously lived and the location of your new home, you might not have to change regional centers. For instance, one California regional center, Alta California, services 10 counties, while Los Angeles County alone has seven regional centers.

Picking Up Services at a New Regional Center

If you move to a new catchment area, the name for the geographic area served by a particular regional center, you must go through the transfer process. 

Some participants might need to complete the transfer-in process at their new regional center and the transfer-out process at the regional center they are leaving behind.

Participants who move regional centers can often transfer their remaining balance in their individual budgets to the new regional center. 

Keeping service providers can be done on a case-by-case basis. You can contact your new regional center to get connected with a service coordinator or ask your independent facilitator for help.

Moving Out of State

The SDP and regional center services are not available to non-Californians. Many other states have self-determination endeavors in education, health care, housing, and other systems important to people with IDDs. 

Even participants who temporarily move out of state are usually required to cease regional center services.

Explore the Role and Benefits of an Independent Facilitator with NeuroNav

Becoming a new regional center customer or participant in the Self-Determination Program can be complicated enough on its own—much less having to move regional centers. An independent facilitator can be an invaluable partner in this process.

Independent facilitators can help future SDP participants identify services and service providers, create their person-centered IPPs, and negotiate pay rates with employees of service providers. SDP participants can use funds from individual budgets to pay for independent facilitators.

NeuroNav has a dynamic team of experienced independent facilitators who can help you or a loved one navigate the SDP. We can help you become a new participant if you are interested in becoming one and are eligible. Our other service helps with ongoing advocacy that involves updating IPPs and other necessary maintenance.

Get in touch with us today by signing up for a free consultation.

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