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NeuroNav Self-Determination Blog

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Disability rights

Understanding Autism and Food Aversions

Autism and food aversions often go hand in hand. There are many reasons why someone might refuse food, especially if...

How to be a Good Friend to Someone with a Disability

Everybody is different—that’s one of the best parts of life! There are so many unique and interesting people in the...

Fostering Independence for Your Loved One: 13 Resources for Parents, Families & Caregivers

The ability to care for ourselves physically, financially, and socially is a powerful thing. When it comes to those...

NeuroNav Joins K. Ventures in Making Disability History

Something new is on the horizon: a new era of support for adults with disabilities and their families. NeuroNav is one...

A Brief Guide to the Legal Rights of Autistic Adults

For autistic adults and parents of autistic adults, it’s important to know what rights are guaranteed to you by state...

4 Free Activities & Ideas to Welcome Disability Pride Month 2024

While June sees celebrations of the LGBTQ+ community, its accomplishments, and the continued struggle for acceptance,...

10 Self-Care Tips for Adults with Disabilities to Support Self-Determination

Self-care is a powerful tool that can make a big difference in our quality of life. For adults with disabilities,...

The Self-Determination Program & Live-in Caregivers: What Are Your Options?

In-home care can be an amazing resource for individuals focused on self-determination. However, accessing in-home care...

Does the Self-Determination Program Cover the Cost of a Home Health Aide?

The idea of neurodiversity celebrates the valuable viewpoints and unique strengths of individuals with neurological...
Want to learn more about the California Self-Determination Program?

Register for our next SDP Information Session!

Have you just started exploring the Self-Determination Program and have burning questions you'd like to ask? Register for one of our free upcoming information sessions to take advantage of live sessions hosted by SDP experts.  

Self-Determination Means Choice

Discovering the rights, opportunities, and resources available to you can make a world of difference. 

Our Mission

At NeuroNav, we aim to empower our clients to grow and flourish with solutions that make sense for them. We are here to help you through each step of California’s Self Determination Program and to support you as you pursue your goals.