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NeuroNav Self-Determination Blog

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Who is the Self-Determination Program Best For?

Since 2013, California’s Self-Determination Program (SDP) has been an option for individuals looking to exercise more...

Preparing for SDP: When to Start & What to Do

For individuals with disabilities, the California Self-Determination Program (SDP) offers more flexibility and freedom...

9 Empowering Tips for Autistic College Students

The transition into college life can be challenging for anyone. It’s an exciting step in life that comes with new...

Make Your Voice Heard: How to Get Involved in Disability Advocacy

Disability advocacy is the key to creating meaningful, lasting change in our communities. It wasn’t too long ago that...

An Intro to Supporting Dignity of Risk & Failure in Adults with Disabilities

When you hear the word “risk,” what’s the first thing that comes to mind? If you’re like many, you might find the idea...

20 Essential Resources for Autistic Adults that Support Independence

We all have a right to freedom, choice, and self-determination in how we live our lives. Sometimes, we need a little...

5 Common Barriers to Self-Determination (& How to Overcome Them)

Self-determination can be an empowering and life-changing philosophy for people with disabilities. Unfortunately, many...

The Value of Skills Training for Adults with Disabilities

Almost everything we do requires some kind of skill. We are always learning, whether we realize it or not. When we...

Fostering Independence for Your Loved One: 13 Resources for Parents, Families & Caregivers

The ability to care for ourselves physically, financially, and socially is a powerful thing. When it comes to those...

A Guide to Navigating Consent with Disabilities

Giving and getting consent is an important part of any relationship. It’s how we let others know how we want to be...
Want to learn more about the California Self-Determination Program?

Register for our next SDP Information Session!

Have you just started exploring the Self-Determination Program and have burning questions you'd like to ask? Register for one of our free upcoming information sessions to take advantage of live sessions hosted by SDP experts.  

Self-Determination Means Choice

Discovering the rights, opportunities, and resources available to you can make a world of difference. 

Our Mission

At NeuroNav, we aim to empower our clients to grow and flourish with solutions that make sense for them. We are here to help you through each step of California’s Self Determination Program and to support you as you pursue your goals.