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NeuroNav Self-Determination Blog

What is Person-Centered Planning?

Person-centered planning (PCP) is an approach designed to allow people to access support tailored to their needs. When used as a tool for building confidence and personal autonomy, it can have life-altering effects.


Burnout in Adults with Disabilities: How to Manage It

For adults living with disabilities, burnout can be disruptive and debilitating. Burnout in adults with disabilities...

What to Expect From Your First Round of Person-Centered Planning

Person-centered planning is a cornerstone of the Self-Determination Program (SDP) offered to Californians. Those with...

A Quick Look at Vehicle Modifications for Adults with Disabilities

For many Californians, living an independent life is much more challenging without the ability to drive a vehicle....

Understanding Community Living Supports in the Self-Determination Program

The Self-Determination Program (SDP) in California is an acknowledgment of the importance of Regional Center customers’...

Your Guide to SDP Employment Supports: Get Help Finding Your Dream Job

At its best, the Self-Determination Program offered to eligible Californians with intellectual or developmental...

Celebrating Pride Month: 4 Quotes on Inclusion & Acceptance from Individuals with Disabilities

Pride Month 2024 may be over, but the accomplishments and progress made by those in the LGBTQIA+ community are worth...

What Are the Steps to Become an Independent Facilitator? Training, Skills, & More

Many participants in California’s Self-Determination Program (SDP) choose to involve an independent facilitator while...

4 Free Activities & Ideas to Welcome Disability Pride Month 2024

While June sees celebrations of the LGBTQ+ community, its accomplishments, and the continued struggle for acceptance,...

Your Guide to Rental Assistance in the SDP

California’s Self-Determination Program (SDP), a novel approach to allocating and delivering services for those with...

10 Self-Care Tips for Adults with Disabilities to Support Self-Determination

Self-care is a powerful tool that can make a big difference in our quality of life. For adults with disabilities,...

The Self-Determination Program & Live-in Caregivers: What Are Your Options?

In-home care can be an amazing resource for individuals focused on self-determination. However, accessing in-home care...

Does the Self-Determination Program Cover the Cost of a Home Health Aide?

The idea of neurodiversity celebrates the valuable viewpoints and unique strengths of individuals with neurological...

5 Inspiring Neurodivergent Individuals Who Shaped the World

The idea of neurodiversity celebrates the valuable viewpoints and unique strengths of individuals with neurological...

Massage Therapy for Adults with Disabilities: How it Works

Massage therapy isn’t just about relaxation–it’s a powerful tool that can contribute to improved quality of life for...

Accessible Voting & Supporting Voters with Disabilities: Know Your Rights

People with disabilities are eligible to vote in elections just like any other U.S. citizen. This was not always the...

Do I Need to Receive Medi-Cal to Enroll in the Self-Determination Program?

Many Californians who use public services like SSDI (Social Security Disability Insurance), CalWorks (AFDC), or...

Consumer Rights, Appeals & Complaints in the Self-Determination Program (SDP)

Anytime you or your livelihood are subject to a decision by the state government, you are usually entitled to appeal if...

Your Guide to Adaptive Clothing for Adults with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

Having an intellectual or developmental disability (IDD) does not mean you should miss out on the ability to dress...

Who Can Provide Services for Self-Determination Program Participants?

California Self-Determination Program (SDP) participants enjoy the freedom to choose support services that best help...

Background Checks for SDP Services: What You Need to Know

You’d like to think that any stranger who comes into your home to perform services—like plumbers, electricians, and...

Can I Move While in the Self-Determination Program?

Those who participate in the California Self-Determination Program spend a considerable amount of time creating...

What Is an Independent Facilitator?

The independent facilitator is an important figure for many people involved with California’s Self-Determination...

Person-Centered Planning Resources for Adults with IDDs

Person-centered planning helps those with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDDs) receive medical care and...

Will My Regional Center Pay for an Independent Facilitator's Salary?

If you’re familiar with the Self-Determination Program in California, you might have heard the term independent...

How Often Should Person-Centered Plans Be Updated?

Person-centered planning is not a new concept in the world of healthcare and patient advocacy, but it is still growing...

What is Occupational Therapy? Applications for Adults with Developmental Disabilities

There’s no shortage of treatment and support options available for adults with developmental disabilities. However, one...

A Quick Guide to Orientation for the SDP (Self-Determination Program)

The first step for Californians wishing to enroll in the Self-Determination Program (SDP) is to attend an initial...

Which Services Does the SDP Budget Cover?

California Self-Determination Program services are numerous and designed to help fulfill each participant’s...

6 Frequently Asked Questions About the Self-Determination Program, Answered

California’s Self-Determination Program (SDP) has transformed the way many people with intellectual and developmental...

7 Ways to Celebrate Autism Acceptance Month

A lot of people start feeling blue this time of year—but in a good way. How? By acknowledging and celebrating Autism...

A Full List of Regional Centers in California (& How to Get Started)

The California Department of Developmental Services (DDS) is in charge of coordinating and providing important services...

5 Essential Self-Determination Principles You Need to Know

Individuals with disabilities have the same right to happy, healthy, and fulfilling lives as those who do not have...

Your Guide to Lanterman Act Eligibility: What is It? What Does it Mean?

California residents living with disabilities have more opportunities to take control of their lives and support...

Understanding Self-Determination Program (SDP) Payment & Budgeting

Those enrolled in the California Self-Determination Program (SDP) have more control over the disability services and...

Person-Centered Plan vs. Individual Program Plan: What's the Difference?

If you’re looking to access disability services in California, you might learn you need an individual program plan....

11 Activities for Adults with Disabilities to Support Self-Determination

Self-determination is about putting power over your life in your own hands. For adults with disabilities,...

What is the HCBS Final Rule? How Does it Affect the Self-Determination Program?

Here in California, we have a law called the Lanterman Act that provides people with intellectual and developmental...

Understanding Visual Impairment, Including Blindness

At least 2.2 billion people worldwide have some sort of visual impairment, including blindness. In around half of those...

4 Ways to Embrace Neurodiversity in Honor of Neurodiversity Celebration Week

Neurodiversity isn’t a disability or condition. It simply means that different minds work in different ways. Those...

The 7 Best Books Written by Authors with Disabilities

Sometimes, there are just certain things about life as a person with a disability that can be difficult to capture if...

Empowering Women with Disabilities: Information for Friends, Families & Allies

Despite the fact that women are more likely than men to become disabled during their lives, many are overlooked. This...

Financial Management Service Options in the Self-Determination Program

The California Self-Determination Program grants state funding to individuals with disabilities so that they can access...

How AI Can Help People with Disabilities

AI is all the rage nowadays, but it’s also nothing new. Many kinds of AI – like Amazon’s Alexa, self-driving cars, and...

A Look at Innovative & Experiential Therapy in Disability Care

Navigating disability is, for many people, a lifelong experience. Disabilities can make it hard to live independently...

12 Disability-Friendly Home Modifications You Can Implement Yourself

Everyone deserves to live in a home they can comfortably and safely navigate. Disability home modifications are changes...

The Evolution of Mobility Aids: New Technology & Possibilities

People have been using personal mobility devices to help themselves get around for centuries. But the path to where...

Disability and Aging: Addressing Unique Needs & Challenges

As conversations around aging grow in importance, we believe it’s key to consider how disabilities and aging can...

The Role of Service Animals for Individuals with Disabilities

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) defines a service animal as “any dog that is individually trained to do work...

Traveling with a Disability: Tips for Adults with Disabilities & Caregivers

The ACAA, or the Air Carrier Access Act, is a federal law that prohibits any discrimination from airlines against...

The Intersection of Disability and Diversity: The Importance of Inclusion

For many people with disabilities throughout history, the battle for inclusion, acceptance, and equity has been...

What is Barrier-Free Design? All About Accessibility in Public Spaces

Some public spaces are harder for people with disabilities to enter, exit, and navigate. Barrier-free design is one-way...

A Quick Guide to Building Inclusive Work Cultures for Individuals with Disabilities

Company culture is a large part of what attracts potential employees to an organization. It’s what helps employees...

Navigating Parenting with a Disability: Tips & Things to Consider

Adults with disabilities have a right to the same lives and relationships as anyone else. That includes the ability to...

Finding Inclusive Workplaces in California

Inclusive workplaces include, well, everyone. An inclusive job creates equal opportunity for all employees, regardless...

Understanding Developmental Disabilities: Common Types & Challenges

Over 7 million individuals in the U.S. live with one or more developmental disabilities. Let's look deeper into...

Independent Life Skills for Adults with Developmental Disabilities

Every action and decision we make each day is rooted in a skill. In fact, you’re probably much more skilled than you...

How Disabilities and Mental Health Needs Can Overlap

Mental illness is a force that exists in the lives of many individuals with disabilities that often goes overlooked....

Overcoming Social Challenges & Finding Relationships with Disabilities

Individuals with disabilities are just that: individuals. No two people share the same communication style, needs, or...

How to Help Teens with Disabilities Navigate Challenges in School

School for teens with disabilities can look quite different than what others experience. Unfortunately, outside of...

Physical Fitness Tips for Adults with Developmental Disabilities

Despite how critical exercise is for everyone at any age, few fitness gurus or communities discuss how to include...

How to Set Realistic Personal Goals: A Guide for Adults with Disabilities

Personal goals ultimately drive many of us to try new things, chase our dreams, and create new experiences. But forming...

What Is a Sensory Processing Disorder?

A sensory processing disorder (SPD) is a condition that interferes with the way a person experiences sensations. While...

Assistive Technology for Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

The World Health Organization defines assistive products and technology as those that “maintain or improve an...

Budget vs. Spending Plan in the Self-Determination Program

For families and individuals with developmental disabilities, the Self-Determination Program offers newfound freedom...

Understanding Disability Rights in California: A Guide for Individuals and Families

If you or a loved one live with a neurodevelopmental or intellectual disability, you have rights protected by the State...

What is Person-Centered Planning? How it Helps Those with Disabilities

Far too often, individuals with disabilities are excluded from making decisions that shape their lives. This lack of...

How to Request & Receive Reasonable Accommodations for Developmental Disabilities

You may be familiar with the process of requesting an accommodation for disabilities, but putting it into action can be...

The Power of Advocacy & Awareness: Key Moments in the Disability Rights Movement

Members of the disability community have paved the way for the rights and protections that many of us enjoy today. The...

Representation Matters: People with Disabilities Throughout History

Historical perceptions of people with disabilities have, unfortunately, not always been kind. As a result, hearing and...

What is Neurodiversity? What it Means to Be a Neurodiverse Individual

You may have heard the term “neurodiversity” used in discussions surrounding mental health and disabilities, but what...

How to Become a California Regional Center Client

Determining if you’re eligible for California Regional Center Services If you are not currently a California Regional...
Want to learn more about the California Self-Determination Program?

Register for our next SDP Information Session!

Have you just started exploring the Self-Determination Program and have burning questions you'd like to ask? Register for one of our free upcoming information sessions to take advantage of live sessions hosted by SDP experts.  

Self-Determination Means Choice

Discovering the rights, opportunities, and resources available to you can make a world of difference. 

Our Mission

At NeuroNav, we aim to empower our clients to grow and flourish with solutions that make sense for them. We are here to help you through each step of California’s Self Determination Program and to support you as you pursue your goals.