How Disability Rights in California Differ From Other States

Two women, one in a wheelchair, smiling and looking over the ocean

The Lanterman Act is a legal statute that sets California apart when it comes to recognizing the rights of people living with disabilities. It explains that beyond having basic needs met, people with developmental disabilities have a right to information and services that help them make decisions about their own lives. 

It’s this idea that has led to an increased commitment to self-determination throughout the state of California. Below, we explore the Lanterman Act in more detail, plus the changes it brought to the state that you won’t find anywhere else. 

The Lanterman Act

Passed in 1969, the Lanterman Act is a law that has a significant impact on those living with developmental disabilities in California. It gives people who qualify the right to receive services and support in order to help them and their loved ones live more independent, fulfilling lives.

The Act recognizes that people with disabilities have the same rights as other Californians. This includes the right to make choices about their own life, access to quality information to help them make those choices, and services to help them reach their full potential.

Services and supports can cover anything from occupational therapy to life skills that support independence. Regional centers located throughout California serve to arrange these services and help people navigate the process.

Why is the Lanterman Act Important?

Recognizing the rights and autonomy of people with developmental disabilities is an important part of helping them live fulfilling, happy lives. Beyond healthcare and basic needs, this law recognizes the importance of autonomy in pursuing personal goals, interests, and overall quality of life.

It recognizes that individuals with developmental disabilities deserve a choice in how they live, but the help they need to achieve their goals requires personalization and adequate support.

The Self-Determination Program (SDP) was enacted in 2013, expanding on these ideas. It provides the opportunity for adults with disabilities to have more flexibility in how they use financial benefits. 

The goal is to encourage independence and authority over one’s life by improving financial freedom. Learn more with our Self-Determination Program FAQ.

How Californians Can Take Advantage of Regional Centers and the SDP

Regional centers serve as the main point of contact regarding relevant services, providing resources and helping disabled Californians take advantage of their legally guaranteed rights. There are 21 regional centers throughout California, each serving different areas of the state. Find your local regional center here to get started.

For those with a qualifying disability, an Individual Program Plan (IPP) will be created and tailored to your specific needs. This plan includes various services chosen by you and the regional center to address needs such as job training, education, housing assistance, and more. 

A service coordinator is then assigned to your case to help organize and arrange for the services. 

Learn More About the Self-Determination Program (SDP)

Without unique legislation like The Lanterman Act, California’s disability support services would likely not be as robust as they are today. The SDP is one such opportunity that you can find in California but not in other states throughout the US. 

That means California residents have the benefit of entering a program that offers increased financial flexibility and freedom over the services they choose to support their needs.

NeuroNav is here to provide information, resources, and step-by-step guidance for those interested in enrolling or continuing through the SDP. Whether you’re just getting started or are already enrolled in the program, we’re here to help you figure out how to maximize the value you get out of participating. 

If you think you or your loved one could benefit from these services and achieve more independence, sign up for a free consultation today to learn more.

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