Understanding Autistic Regression in Adults

A woman sitting at a desk and drawing with crayons

Regression is normally talked about in reference to autistic children, but it can happen to adults too. Autistic regression in adults is sometimes called burnout. It can happen for many reasons. It usually means a person has a need for better stress and stimulus management. Once you understand more about what it is and why it happens, you can learn to address it.

What is “Autistic Regression?”

Regression refers to the loss of skills or abilities that a person had before. While it’s commonly talked about in the context of children on the spectrum, regression can happen at any age. 

Autistic regression can cause executive function challenges. It can also cause loss of speech or affect any communication, social, or self-care skills. Research into this phenomenon is ongoing. While it can be frustrating, “regression” may help shed light on a very real need for rest and regulation.

Autistic Regression in Adults: Understanding the Phenomenon

The term “regression” is usually used when referring to autistic children who are showing delays in development or not meeting expected milestones. It is often used as a catch-all name. When it happens in adults, “autistic fatigue” or “burnout” are usually more appropriate terms. 

Burnout in adults with disabilities can result from many things. Examples include:

  • Excessive stress
  • Overstimulation
  • Changes in routine

No matter what causes burnout, it can lead to intense exhaustion. This makes performing regular tasks more difficult. 

Autistic Skill Regression in Adults

The impact of burnout varies from person to person, but the loss of skills is a common symptom. Aspects of self-care, communication, and other important skills can fall by the wayside when a person has reached a point of physical, emotional, or mental exhaustion.

This loss of skills doesn’t mean that person will never recover them. Regression in adults is often temporary. Once the causes of burnout get addressed, it’s easier to rebuild skills and habits.

Age Regression in Autistic Adults

Age regression refers to behaviors that might seem inappropriate for a person's age or emotional intelligence. It does not mean that the person is immature or childlike. Instead, it means that they are expressing distress. 

Some people may label outbursts of emotion, so-called “tantrums,” or attention and stimulus-seeking behaviors as “regressive.” Using this label can be problematic, though. These behaviors can all be natural reactions to extreme stress or discomfort.

Tips for Managing Autistic Regression or Burnout in Adults

When you're experiencing symptoms of regression or burnout, it doesn’t mean there is anything wrong with you. Burnout is the brain and body’s way of letting us know we’re being pushed past our limits and need to make a change. 

Here are some ways you can manage the signs and symptoms of regression and get back to feeling your best:

  • Address sensory needs. Overstimulation can lead to burnout or regression when a person can no longer cope. Lean on sensory tools or soothing techniques to care for and help regulate the nervous system.
  • Identify sources of stress. Burnout can stem from any number of stressful life events. It may also be due to the culmination of many small, stressful incidents. Reduce stressful circumstances where possible. Also, try to engage in relaxing activities that don’t cause masking.
  • Make adjustments to your routine. A strenuous work or school schedule can quickly become overwhelming. Managing a busy workload or making changes to a taxing routine can help you feel better in the long run.
  • Rest. This is one of the most valuable things we can do to take care of our health. Giving your body and mind time to rest and recuperate can reduce symptoms of burnout.

Discover More Disability Resources & Support

NeuroNav is committed to providing accurate, helpful information for adults and families living with disabilities. For those living in California, our independent facilitation services can help you navigate the Self-Determination Program (SDP) so you can make important decisions about your health and well-being. 

Book a free consultation to learn more, and visit our blog for helpful guides, tips, and advice.

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