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NeuroNav Self-Determination Blog

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Employment Assistance

The Value of Skills Training for Adults with Disabilities

Almost everything we do requires some kind of skill. We are always learning, whether we realize it or not. When we...

Top 7 Employment Opportunities for Autistic Adults

Autistic adults often have unique and valuable skills that make them wonderful employees and team members. It’s...

8 Tips for Starting Autism-Owned Businesses

In a world built for neurotypical people, neurodiverse individuals often need to carve their own paths to achieving...

Your Guide to SDP Employment Supports: Get Help Finding Your Dream Job

At its best, the Self-Determination Program offered to eligible Californians with intellectual or developmental...
Want to learn more about the California Self-Determination Program?

Register for our next SDP Information Session!

Have you just started exploring the Self-Determination Program and have burning questions you'd like to ask? Register for one of our free upcoming information sessions to take advantage of live sessions hosted by SDP experts.  

Self-Determination Means Choice

Discovering the rights, opportunities, and resources available to you can make a world of difference. 

Our Mission

At NeuroNav, we aim to empower our clients to grow and flourish with solutions that make sense for them. We are here to help you through each step of California’s Self Determination Program and to support you as you pursue your goals.