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CA Disability Rights (2)

Can I Move While in the Self-Determination Program?

Those who participate in the California Self-Determination Program spend a considerable amount of time creating...

Will My Regional Center Pay for an Independent Facilitator's Salary?

If you’re familiar with the Self-Determination Program in California, you might have heard the term independent...

6 Frequently Asked Questions About the Self-Determination Program, Answered

California’s Self-Determination Program (SDP) has transformed the way many people with intellectual and developmental...

Empowering Women with Disabilities: Information for Friends, Families & Allies

Despite the fact that women are more likely than men to become disabled during their lives, many are overlooked. This...

Financial Management Service Options in the Self-Determination Program

The California Self-Determination Program grants state funding to individuals with disabilities so that they can access...
Want to learn more about the California Self-Determination Program?

Register for our next SDP Information Session!

Have you just started exploring the Self-Determination Program and have burning questions you'd like to ask? Register for one of our free upcoming information sessions to take advantage of live sessions hosted by SDP experts.  

Self-Determination Means Choice

Discovering the rights, opportunities, and resources available to you can make a world of difference. 

Our Mission

At NeuroNav, we aim to empower our clients to grow and flourish with solutions that make sense for them. We are here to help you through each step of California’s Self Determination Program and to support you as you pursue your goals.