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NeuroNav Self-Determination Blog

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Autism (2)

8 Tips for Starting Autism-Owned Businesses

In a world built for neurotypical people, neurodiverse individuals often need to carve their own paths to achieving...

What Happens to an Autistic Adult When Their Parents Die?

It’s the most natural thing in the world for a parent to worry about the well-being of their child. For parents of...

Safe Dating on the Spectrum: Sites, Apps & Tips for Success

It is normal to have concerns about dating, communication, and affection. Those concerns might be exacerbated if you...

How to Get a Girlfriend, Boyfriend, or Partner if You Have Autism

Romance isn’t reserved for neurotypical people—tons of adults with autism have rewarding, satisfying, happy...

Safe Sex as an Autistic Person: What You Need to Know

Sex is everywhere, from TV shows and movies to books and music. It usually features neurotypical people, but what about...

The Self-Determination Program & Live-in Caregivers: What Are Your Options?

In-home care can be an amazing resource for individuals focused on self-determination. However, accessing in-home care...

5 Inspiring Neurodivergent Individuals Who Shaped the World

The idea of neurodiversity celebrates the valuable viewpoints and unique strengths of individuals with neurological...

7 Ways to Celebrate Autism Acceptance Month

A lot of people start feeling blue this time of year—but in a good way. How? By acknowledging and celebrating Autism...
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Self-Determination Means Choice

Discovering the rights, opportunities, and resources available to you can make a world of difference. 

Our Mission

At NeuroNav, we aim to empower our clients to grow and flourish with solutions that make sense for them. We are here to help you through each step of California’s Self Determination Program and to support you as you pursue your goals.